Resources Overview

The goal of New Day Products and Resources is to train people who have developmental and other disabilities to join the community workforce. We also help with learning socialization skills. Individuals who are almost ready to work independently join our Community Supported Employment program. Individuals who need a little more support join our Work Services program. Individuals who are seeking to improve their socialization skills may join our Adult Living Center. More information about each program below.

If the information on this page is not clear or if you would like to discuss with somebody from New Day, feel free to call us any time at (208) 232-7807 or use our Resources Inquiry Form.

Work Services

Work services is our program for people who have either never worked in the community before or have not had the training necessary to develop proper workplace attitudes and skills. These individuals work entirely in-house so that they can benefit from working in groups and from job coaching from experienced individuals. These individuals can work in our t-shirt shop, wood shop, or trophy shop.

Community Supported Employment

Community Supported Employment is our program for people who are on their middle to last steps to working independently in the community. These people work with a job coach to ensure they are learning best practices for attitudes and workplace requirements. Individuals in our CSE program work a variety of roles including custodial, auto detailing, and retail, and contribute directly to the community.

Adult Living Center

The Adult Living Center provides social skills, community interaction, and life skills in a positive setting. Participants of the Adult Living Center attend events in the community, field trips to places such as the gym, parks, or other local attractions, and participate in crafts and games.

Requirements and Recommendations before Enrolling

Participants must be at least 18 years of age.

Patricipants must have a documented disability.

Participants must require services.

We strongly recommend having a plan developer/service coordinator as they will assist with accessing, coordinating, and maintaining services such as those offered by New Day’s resource programs. Instructions for selecting one can be found at the following link:

Plan Developer/Service Coordinator | Idaho Department of Health and Welfare